Spiritual Direction

What is Spiritual Direction?

“Spiritual Direction is “help given by one Christian to another which enables that person to pay attention to God’s personal communication to him or her and to respond to this personally communicating God.”*  A Spiritual Director is trained to help you listen, notice and discern.  They help you uncover greater depths to your inner-self."

- from The Practice of Spiritual Direction by William Barry and William Connolly, 1982

The focus is on a person’s relationship with God and the practices that build up this relationship.  It provides a space/time designated for this process in a safe and confidential relationship.

Role of the Spiritual Director

The Spiritual Director is trained to listen deeply to you and the Holy Spirit as you share, and to hold you and your conversation in prayer. They are specifically trained to be spiritual listening companions, usually through a dedicated program lasting several years, often by Seminaries or theological schools. While the title of the “Spiritual Director” indicates they are the one ‘directing,’ the real Spiritual Director is the Holy Spirit.  The human companion simply helps to hold the space and focus to be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit.  The direction that the Spiritual Director provides is always back to God.

Matthew 6:33 “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness….”

Who might benefit from Spiritual Direction?

Anyone who desires to grow closer to God and is open to sharing with a trusted companion those questions, desires, concerns and worries that leave them hungering for more of God.

Is there a cost?

Typically, there is a fee for the hour meeting for Spiritual Direction.  This often is between $25 and $75.

What is the typical structure of a Spiritual Direction Session?

Traditional Spiritual Direction usually involves an hour session once a month.  This can occur in person or by Zoom.  The hour often begins with a Scripture reading or reflection that turns our focus to God.  This helps to set the time as a holy space focusing upon God. The desire is to increasingly be Imitators of God in whatever issues the Holy Spirit might bring to mind.  When the Directee is ready to share, they will take the lead with the Director offering ‘prompts’ as beneficial. Quiet time is not unusual as this allows for us to sit and listen to the Lord.  How the time is used is the Directee’s choice. They choose the topic or area of discernment upon which to focus. The Director can offer spiritual practices and spiritual disciplines for the Directee to utilize during the time in-between sessions.

What is Group Spiritual Direction?

Although Spiritual Direction is most commonly done one to one, there is also meaningful Group Spiritual Direction availability.  During these Group times, the attendees listen to a presenting area of focus of the individual sharing, holding them in prayer and listening to the Holy Spirit for discernment questions and insights.  These are shared as offerings, not as directives, to encourage processing of the presenting topic as the Holy Spirit leads the individual presenting.

The Group accepts that the Holy Spirit often works in mysterious ways that may not be the exact ‘road’ that is meaningful to us.  Insights are shared as ‘offerings’ for that reason, trusting that the Holy Spirit will lead and guide, even after the Session ends.

Is there a historical context?

In the first centuries of the Church, those gifted in discernment and listening to the Holy Spirit and guiding others were called “spiritual directors.”  Although it has been a part of the Church practices from very early days, it was often reserved for persons in specified ministries.  Those spiritually hungry could also seek spiritual guides. It has gone by many names including Soul Shepherding, Spiritual Companionship, and Midwifery of the Soul.

How Do I Find a Spiritual Director?

Contact info@flourishworldwide.com for assistance in finding a good fit!

Spiritual Directors in the St. Louis Area

Tiffany Nevil Click Here For More Information

Melissa McKinney Click Here For More Information

Corb Heimburger Click Here For More Information

Bill McKay Click Here for More Information (search by area)

Pat Grace Click Here For More Information

Dianne Becker Click Here For More Information

Contact info@flourishworldwide.com for assistance in finding a spiritual director!